Saturday, February 12, 2011

The new World Peace Newsletter Meet & Greet Page

Welcome to our meet and greet site/blog.  Please feel free to post messages and upcoming peace events.  Peace for all and all for peace.  World Peace Newsletter


  1. Is world peace possible? What has to happen for this to become a reality? Click on "post a comment" to join this discussion.

  2. Happiness is when Expectations = Reality

    What are your expectations?

  3. Our expectations are that world peace is coming, sooner rather than later. As communication improves, relationships tend to improve, as a general rule. The world wide web has improved communications in ways that few of us imagined 20 to 30 years ago. It was only on March 7, 1926 that the first transatlantic telephone call was made from London to New York. Since then we've landed a person on the moon, invented cell phones, lap top computers, digitally stored books and music, electric cars and the internet.

    We've come a long way in a very short time!

    Regarding your first statement, when positive expectations become reality we tend to see these as peak experiences or "golden moments" (as discussed by a dear friend of ours in his upcoming book on the subject).

    As far as finding happiness is concerned, we believe it is found in little things almost every day. A child's laughter, a loved ones embrace, a beautiful day, the smell of a rose, a "eureka" experience, the feeling of gratitude, listening to our favorite music, meditation and prayer; all of these things tend to increase one's happiness and personal peace.

    On the flip-side, when negative expectations become reality, sadness and depression are likely to follow.
    As you've probably noticed, we choose to focus on the positive. We believe very strongly in "the law of attraction" which states that you attract what you think about most, positive or negative (similar to the saying "You become what you think about all day long."— Ralph Waldo Emerson).

    If the the world thinks about world peace, that is most likely what it will get!

    I hope this answers your question.

  4. World Peace Newsletter discussion forums are now online as of April 9, 20011 at

    We hope this helps improve peace communication, promotion and education.

    Peace for All and All for Peace!

  5. I love peace, it make me love my people.peace is the obsolute trust to God.where there is a peace there is a hope. I never thought of peace in my country. When it had really came, I'm rejoicing now. I like the whole world to stay in peace with no violating of human right.

  6. We just added a link to our new facebook page and the "like" and "send" buttons to the World Peace Newsletter website. The address to the facebook page is as follows:
    Peace for All & All for Peace!

  7. We have changed the first facebook page to

    We added a second facebook page @

    We expect to add several more soon.

    Thanks for adding your input.

    Peace be with you!
